Key Information for LC and LCA students relating to Viewing Scripts and the Appeals Process.
Applying to view Scripts:
Leaving Certificate students who wish to view any scripts, must apply through the online portal between 5pm Tuesday 29th of August and 8pm Wednesday 30th August.
Leaving Certificate Applied students must apply to view their scripts via email
Viewing of Scripts:
Most Leaving Certificate 2023 subjects were marked online and can be viewed online through the Candidate Self Service Portal over the 24-hour period between 9am Saturday 2nd of September and Sunday the 3rd of September.
Manually Marked Scripts may be viewed on Saturday the 2nd of September. Students will be assigned to one of two sessions.
Session 1 : 9.30am-12:30pm.
Session 2: 2pm -5pm.
Please see attached below the list of subjects that were manually marked and marked online (Appendix A and B).
Note: Students must apply to view the scripts as described above, only students who apply in advance will have access to view their scripts.
Applications to appeal must be made through the Candidate Self Service Portal between 10am Sunday the 3rd of September and 5pm Monday the 4th of September.
The state examinations commission will not accept Late applications, they will not be accepted under any circumstances.
- The facility of viewing examination scripts is free of charge.
- To appeal a result then a fee of 40 euro per Leaving Certificate subject will apply and a fee of 15 euro will apply per Leaving Certificate Applied subject.
If students need any support with this process, please do not hesitate to contact the school.