Leaving Cert Applied is a distinct self-contained two-year Leaving Certificate Programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working life.
Find the academic demands of Junior Cycle challenging
Have difficulty completing homework tasks on a regular basis
Prefer practical/activity-based subjects
Do not intend to go directly to university
The LCA course is a two-year programme, that is divided into four half-year blocks, which are called Sessions. There are State Exams at the end of 5th year and 6th year LCA. Key Assignments and Tasks are completed during each session, and these contribute to the final grade/certification. Certification is based on continuous assessment, marked over the two years. Interviews are an important part of the programme, and 90% attentdance is also an essential part of this programme.
A work experience programme is an integral part of LCA. LCA1 – 5th year – have work experience every Monday. LCA2 – 6th year – have work experience every Friday. Students are responsible for securing their own work placement, and it is recommended that they engage in a variety of different work experiences, and book placement early as there can be a high demand.
Leaving Cert Applied Certification is awarded at three levels – pass (60-69%), merit (70-84%), distinction (85-100%). LCA students receive their certification on the same day as the traditional Leaving Cert results.
Watch the video below of former LCA student, Ashling McMullin, and hear her experience of Leaving Cert Applied.