Is podchraoladh spóirt Gaeilge é ‘Tar Éis na Feadóige’ le daltaí ó Phobalscoil an Teaghlaigh Naofa.
Diríonn an fhoireann ar chúrsaí spóirt in Éirinn agus timpeall an domhain. Roineann Dean, Liam, Sophie agus Oscar a dtuairimí ar scéalta móra spóirt agus cloiseann ón bpobal scoile maidir lena gcuid smaointí féin. Glacann pearsana spóirt difriúla as an bpodchraoladh agus cuirtear dushláin ar an ngrúpa chun críoch a chur leis an eipeasóid.
San eipeasóid seo, dhírigh an grúpa ar fhilleadh na sráithe Allianz iománaíochta agus labhair siad faoina dtairngreachtaí maidir leis an bpeil, iomáint, camógaíocht agus peil na mbán don bhliain seo. Chuala siad tairngreachtaí ó dhaltaí agus múinteoirí difriúla agus ansin, chuala siad an t-agallamh a rinne Sophie le Ms. Hogan – imreoir peile atá ina captaen ar an bhfoireann Cill Mhantáin. Phléigh sí a saol mar imreoir chontae agus mar mhúinteoir agus labhair Ms.Hogan faoin gcluiche ceannas na hÉireann anuaraidh. Chríochnaigh an grúpa an clár le dushlán deacair – éist chun an buaiteoir a fháil amach!

‘Tar Éis na Feadóige’ is an Irish language sports podcast by students of HFCS. The team focuses on all things sport in Ireland and around the world. Dean, Liam, Sophie and Oscar share their opinions on the biggest sporting news and hear from the school community about their own thoughts. Different sporting personalities take part in the podcast and a challenge is put to the group to finish the episode.
In this episode, the group focuses on the return of the Allianz Hurling league and they spoke about their predictions for the year in the football, hurling, camogie and ladies football competitions. They heard predictions from different students and teachers and then heard the conversation Sophie had with Ms Hogan. Ms Hogan – footballer and captain of the Wicklow team. She discussed her life as a county player and teacher and spoke about the All Ireland final last year. The group finished the episode with a challenge- listen to discover the winner!